Market segmentation

Considering how many businesses have a problem you can solve, and how many problems there are to solve, you need to focus. Market segmentation is all about how to divide this wide universe of people and business who may be interested in your product into groups. Once you have the grouping done, you can focus your attention and efforts on those sub-groups, segments, who are the ones most likely to buy your product.

HarborLight Partners has experience and expertise in doing the market research to identify what exists today, and how that market may shift for tomorrow. We can help you focus on those segments with the most potential for growth and success.

Specifically, our services can help lead or support your efforts in:

  • providing research to help you choose between market “a” vs market “b” vs market “c”
  • identifying the early users within the market
  • an assessment of the markets you currently serve, and what are the challenges you may face in staying, entering, or leaving, a market