Launch training

You know your launch process is broken. You know it needs to be improved. You’re just not sure what to do and the launch plans are due in two weeks. Yikes!

We love Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If it’s time to take the insanity out of your launch process, turn to HarborLight for help. Our team has launched more than 300 products in the last decade. We get it. Really.

The service includes:

  • How to effectively use beta programs to gather evidence
  • Understanding your market/customer goals in launch
  • Developing a solid launch plan including a reasonable launch project plan
  • Building a strong internal communication program (often the single most important, yet overlooked, item)
  • Creating the right training and tools to empower the sales channel
  • Using the launch to help you partner with early users for effective feedback
  • Identifying metrics & measurements which gauge success